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27 Mayıs 2007 Pazar
Blue mosque
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B In Turkey
Blog Arşivi
ottoman collectıbles at goreme
Thıs ıs our cave hotel ın goreme (cappadoccıa)
cappadoccıa - houses and hotels buılt ınto the rock
Carpets for sale ın Cappadoccıa
Can you see the goat ın the wındow?
Here's a close-up of the goat ın the house
Goods for sale at spıce bazaar
spices for sale at the spıce bazaar
İnside the spice bazaar
Me at the entrance to the spice bazaar ın İstanbul
Cutie in Istanbul
Covered from head to toe
The famous blue mosque
Cats and kittens in Instanbul
Weird Fish at the fish market
You can pay to shoot balloons at the water
He hauled this cart up a very steep hill
Mangy cats everywhere
Hats with veils
KMV at the blue mosque
B in front of Blue Mosque
garden at the blue mosque
This is something I have not seen before
Lots of stray cats - my favorite
Free scarves at the blue mosque
Beautiful ....
Blue mosque
It is forbidden!
The blue mosque
Roof inside the blue mosque
KMV and beautiful architecture
KMV and ?
my hotel room
beautiful architecture
on the street in Istanbul
Entrance to the Grand Bazaar
Check out KMV and the woman in black in the backgr...
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